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Service Management Toolkit

Delivering a well-planned and executed service will allow you to provide the best possible value to your customer.

Each of these components represents key foundational building blocks of developing a service.

Service Fundamentals

Start by focusing on key service fundamentals.

Security and Compliance

Take reasonable actions to help your service and its underlying technology remain secure and compliant throughout the service lifecycle.

University IT Vendor Management

Work with the Vendor Management team to negotiate favorable terms if your service will rely on a third-party vendor.

  • Engage the UIT Vendor Management team for assistance early on.
  • Be sure to document:
    • Contracted start and stop dates
    • License type (e.g., fixed rate, by user, by transaction, by node)
    • The strategy you'll use for managing software licensing agreements and compliance.

Ordering, Provisioning, and Billing

Determine if and/or how much you will charge for your service and how people will order or request it.

Communications and Campus Readiness

Inform and prepare people for the changes that will impact them.

Service Support and Maintenance

Construct a well-informed support plan that includes a disaster recovery component.

Digital Accessibility

Regularly address the accessibility of electronic content on websites and electronic documents.