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Developing an Order Form for Your Billable Service

What is an Order Form?

An order form is used to place requests for billable services. Currently, billable services are ordered through OrderIT/PMG, while non-billable services are requested through ServiceNow. For information about establishing your non-billable service in ServiceNow, see Developing a ServiceNow Request (Catalog) Page. For more information on ordering and billing, please visit University IT Services Ordering & Billing.

Some billable services are ordered directly by the client through OrderIT, while other services are ordered on a client’s behalf by the group fulfilling the request. The latter typically happens when there is a component of Time and Materials labor involved.

The UIT Revenue Operations team will assist you with developing an order form. The revenue analyst assigned to help you create an order form will guide you through a number of questions to determine which approach best meets your business requirements.

How to develop an order form

I want to: Here’s how: When Who is responsible?
Create an order form for a billable service Submit a request During the rate development process Service manager and the billing and revenue operations analyst
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