Before requesting a Temporary Exception, please gather the following information:
- Designated owner or primary POC for the product
This person should have a good understanding of how to use the product and be able to communicate with the vendor about accessibility requirements and complaints.
Description of the product and its intended use/functionality at Stanford
Types of users
Prospective students
General public
Number of users
If there are multiple types of users, such as staff administrative and students, then capture counts for each user type.
Whether the product is required for use by students and/or staff or faculty
No, not required
Yes, but not required
Yes, not required, but highly recommended or improves student experience
Yes, required
Staff or faculty
No, not required
Yes, but not required
Yes, not required, but highly recommended
Yes, required
Whether the product is already in use and for how long
Accessibility documentation from the vendor. Ask them for the following:
Information or formal documentation (VPAT, Accessibility Conformance Report, etc.) about how the current product version conforms to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG 2.0), Level A and Level AA standard. Formal documentation is expected to be dated within the past 12 months.
Contact information for the designated representative at the company to address issues, questions, or the resolution of accessibility barriers in the application.
Description of the types of automated and manual accessibility testing procedures that are conducted as part of the software development lifecycle, including any specific tools and/or assistive technologies used.
Results of an accessibility review completed by our office
If no review has been completed, you can submit a request for review if an environment is available.
Contract length or planned lifecycle:
Less than a year
1-2 years
3-5 years
More than 5 years
Information about why this product was chosen despite accessibility issues. This usually falls into the following categories with supporting comments:
Commercial unavailability: this product is the only or best solution in the marketplace to meet the business needs despite its deficiencies.
Restricted/limited access: only a few people will use the service with none having known disabilities that will impact their access to it.
Fundamental alteration to business operations or program service (need some description of this)
Other (provide details)
Contact method, details, and expected response time for a user to report an accessibility issue
Alternative access plans to provide the same information or service for someone who does run into a barrier
If available, plans and timelines from the vendor or developer to address accessibility issues and bring it into substantial conformance with WCAG 2.0 AA
When you have gathered as much of this information as possible, you can submit the temporary exception request form.
Submit a Temporary Exception Request