The ITT Basic Wall set is appropriate as a hallway/courtesy telephone, as a lab telephone, or for locations where the set must be secured to the wall. This set is best when the only requirements for the phone are the ability to place and receive calls.
Adjustable Volume Control for the Ringer and Speaker - allows you to adjust the volume for the telephone ringer and one-way speaker (used with on-hook dialing) to any of four levels.
Power requirements
The ITT Basic Wall set has no additional power requirements.
Pricing and availability
The ITT Basic Wall set is available from University IT. For details on pricing, see the Rates page. (An additional charge, based on time and materials, is assessed when the set is to be secured to the wall. See Time and Materials Rates for details or call the University IT Help Line at 5-HELP.)
Ordering instructions
To order an ITT Basic Wall set, you should order online at the OrderIT Site. Specify the set as “Legacy” under SET TYPE on that form. (If the set is to be secured to the wall to deter theft, note this under Explanation of Work Requested.) For more information about getting access to or using the OrderIT Site, see the help pages at Ordering Services for Faculty and Staff.