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SUNet ID Search Report

The SUNet ID Search report returns all the devices (desktop and laptop computers, mobile phones, tablets, etc.) that are associated with an individual.

example of SUNet ID Search report


  • Enter either a single SUNet ID or multiple SUNet IDs, separated by a semicolon.  Once the SUNet ID is entered, click anywhere in the header to make the Apply button active.
  • The report can be sorted by any column.  To sort the report, hover over the column heading and click either the up or down arrow.
  • The report can be exported to PDF, Excel, PowerPoint, or a data file.  Click the Export link on the bottom of the report to export the data.
  • You may notice that some information is missing or not correct.  Please have your IT support person check the applicable source system to ensure that the data is present and/or correct.

Column definitions

Column Name Description
SUNet ID SUNet ID of device owner.
Last Name Last name of SUNet ID.
First Name First name of SUNet ID.
Device ID ID assigned by the device registry to the device.
Device Model Model of the device reported by the source system.
Device Name Name of device as entered by device owner or reported by the source system.
NetDB Node Name Name of the device in NetDB.
Device Type The type of device as reported by the source system.
Device OS The OS major/minor version as reported by the source system.
Device OS Version The OS version as reported by the source system.
Ownership Whether the device is owned by Stanford or is a personal device, as reported by the device owner.
Device Shared Whether the device is shared, as reported by the device owner.
Mgmt System The system, either MDM or BigFix, which manages the device.   Mobile devices are managed by MDM, and laptops and desktops are managed by BigFix.
Monitoring System The system that monitors the device. Laptops and desktops are monitored by VLRE.
Feed Source The system(s) that supplied the data for the report.
Compliance Status Whether the device complies with the University's security mandate.
Enforcement Status Whether University's security mandate is enforced or not enforced for this device.
Device Encrypted Whether the device has been encrypted, as reported by its management system.
Non-Compliance All Reasons Reasons the device is listed as non-compliant.
Non-Enforcement All Reasons Reasons the security mandate is not enforced on this device.
Access Restricted Data Whether the device owner can access Restricted Data, as reported by the device owner.
Access Prohibited Data Whether the device owner can access Prohibited Data, as reported by the device owner.
Device Exception Whether the device has an exception to the encryption requirement, as reported by the Exception Request system.
Device Last Report Time The last time the device was seen on the network.
Disavowal Date Date that the device was disavowed.
Disavowal All Reasons Reason the device was disavowed.
MAC Address The MAC address(es) as reported by the source system.

Management system = BigFix or MDM

Source system = the source system for the data (may be NetDB, BigFix, MDM, Exception Request system, Authorization Logs)

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