You have 30 days, from the date of shipment, to exchange or return your mobile device (restocking fee may apply).
- Contact the Stanford University Mobile Support Desk to request a device return or exchange.
- Stanford University & Stanford Children’s Health: 650-725-4357 (5-HELP) Opt. 3, select 1 for paging services or 2 for mobile services.
- Stanford Health Care: 650-725-4357 (5-HELP) Opt. 3, select 1 for paging services or 2 for mobile services.
- Please inform the Mobile Agent whether the mobile number is newly assigned or if this was an upgrade to an existing number.
- Please provide the IMEI of the Device you wish to return. The Mobile Agent will create and provide a ServiceNow ticket number and provide a return label through the ticket to return the device. For a new mobile number, please inform the department contact to place a cancel order to cancel the mobile number to avoid continued billing. For exchange, please proceed with the next steps.
- Provide the Mobile Agent with the shipping address and device you wish to exchange. Please provide a contact number for communications regarding the shipping of the device.
- Tracking information will be provided on the ticket that was created by the mobile agent. If you prefer a direct email with the tracking information, please inform the agent before the order is placed.
- There is a restocking fee of $50 for returns, exchanges, and devices that are opened or deemed opened by the mobile carrier. Please contact us at 650-725-4357 (5-HELP) Opt. 3, select 1 for paging services or 2 for mobile services, for additional questions regarding billing and fees.
- All components must be in the original box or the full retail price of the device will be billed.
- When sending a device back, please make a copy of the return label to keep as a tracking document in case needed.
- Credits will appear on your account within 30-60 days after the device is received by the carrier.