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Jabber Basics: Android

Familiarizing yourself with some of the Jabber basics will help you better understand some of the terminology in the feature instructions and get the most out of the tool.

Navigating the Jabber home page

Jabber home page

  1. View and edit your availability status
  2. Access your features
  3. Edit your settings
  4. View account information or sign out of Jabber
  5. Search for contacts

Managing contacts

Contacts and contact lists let you easily organize and access contact information in Jabber for those colleagues you communicate with often. 


  1. On the Jabber home screen, tap Contacts.
  2. On the Contacts page, tap the  (plus sign) in the upper-right corner.
  3. Tap Add contacts.
  4. Enter the name of the Stanford person you want to add as a contact.
  5. Tap the name of the person when it displays.
  6. Tap the Assign to Group menu, select the personal group that you’d like to add the contact to.
    See Creating a New Contact Group (below) for information on creating personal contact groups.
  7. Tap Done.
    The new contact appears in your list of contacts  under the appropriate contact group if they are currently logged in . 


You can create customized contact list groups (e.g., My team, Project A team) under which you can organize your contacts. Contacts can appear in multiple contact list groups.

  1. On the Jabber home screen, tap Contacts.
  2. On the Contacts page, tap the  +  (plus sign) in the upper-right corner.
  3. Tap Add group.
  4. Enter the name for the group you would like to create and tap Save.
    The new contact group appears on the Contacts page.


  1. On the Jabber home page, tap Contacts.
  2. Tap the profile picture to the left of the contact's name to display the profile information.
    The profile shows the contact’s email address, phone number, and availability status. Tap the buttons to call or chat with the contact.
    contact profile information

Managing presence

Presence lets your colleagues know when your are, and are not, available. Your colleagues can see your status through your status message in their Jabber app.


By default, your status message is set to Available but you can change your status message.

  1. On the Jabber home page, tap your availability status.
  2. Tap to select a status from the available options.
    Your status is changed to that option.


You can add other status messages to the default list.

  1. On the Jabber home page, tap your availability status.
  2. Tap the  (plus sign) in the upper-right corner.
  3. Enter a custom status and tap the default color status setting you’d like to associate with it.
    enter a custom status and choose a color to associate it with
  4. Tap Save.
    The new custom status becomes your current status and is available in the future as a default status option.
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