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BigFix Retrieved Properties List

Stanford University respects your privacy, and BigFix does not collect any direct personal identifiers (email, calendar events, contacts, personal files, etc) from your laptop or desktop computer.

Properties in red are essential to the basic functioning of the BigFix service at Stanford, and are retrieved from all participating computers. Other properties are not retrieved by default, but are available to local BigFix console operators who wish to retrieve them. For computers in the Students and Other BigFix management groups, only those properties in red will be retrieved.


PropertyInformation Retrieved
BIOSThe vendor, version and/or date of your computer's BIOS.
Computer ModelYour computer's model name as provided by the vendor; also indicates whether your computer is a "laptop," "workstation," or "server" (that is, running one of the server editions of Windows).
CPUThe type (vendor/model) and speed of your computer's central processor.
Free Space on System DriveThe size of and amount of free space available on your computer's boot volume (typically drive C).
Free and Total Space of DrivesThe size of and amount of free space available on all of your computer's fixed physical and logical drives.
RAMThe amount of RAM (random access memory) installed in your computer.
Serial NumberYour computer's serial number as provided by the vendor.
USB Mass Storage DeviceMake, Model, Serial Number of externally connected USB Mass Storage Devices

Operating system

PropertyInformation Retrieved
Blank Password CheckChecks for blank passwords for all local user accounts on your computer. Only the account names without associated passwords are retrieved; any of these accounts that are disabled or have administrator rights are labeled as such.
Boot Time of OSThe date and time at which your computer was last started.
LM Compatibility LevelThe level of security required for authentication between your computer and a remote computer.
OSThe version of the operating system installed on your computer.
OS and Service PackThe version of Windows installed on your computer, including its Service Pack level.
OS LanguageThe localized version of Windows installed on your computer.
Registered OwnerThe name entered as "Owner" when your computer was first set up.
User NameThe currently logged-on user's Windows account name.
Windows Automatic UpdateIndicates whether the Windows Automatic Update service is running on your computer, in what mode it is running, and if running on a schedule, the day and time at which the service checks for updates.


PropertyInformation Retrieved
Active Directory PathYour computer's location (if any) in a Windows Active Directory domain.
Computer DescriptionThe value entered in your computer's "Computer Description" field.
Computer NameYour computer's "computer" (or "NetBIOS") name as it appears in the System Properties control panel (Windows) or System Preferences Sharing preference pane (Mac).
DNS NameYour computer's local computer name or registered host name followed by its current IP (Internet) domain as assigned by your Internet Service Provider.
Domain/WorkgroupThe Windows NT domain or workgroup to which your PC belongs (if any).
IP AddressesYour computer's current IP (Internet) addresses as assigned by your Internet Service Provider.
MAC AddressesThe hardware addresses of your computer's network interface cards.

BigFix client

PropertyInformation Retrieved
BES Client VersionThe version number of the BigFix client installed on your computer.
BES Console VersionThe version number of the BigFix console (if any) installed on your computer.
BES Relay VersionThe version number of the BigFix relay service (if any) installed on your computer.
BigFix Relay Selection MethodIndicates the selection method ("automatic" or "manual") your BigFix client will use in order to locate BigFix relays.
BigFix Relay Service InstalledIndicates whether your computer has been configured by an administrator to function as a BigFix relay. This would never be done without your knowledge.
Client AdministratorsThe list of BigFix administrators who can manage your computer.
Client SettingsThe list of all BigFix client settings on your computer.
Distance to BES RelayThe distance in terms of "network hops" (that is, the number of routers traversed) between your computer and the BigFix relay that it is currently using.
Last Report TimeThe time at which the BigFix client on your computer last communicated with the BigFix server.
LockedIndicates whether your computer has been "locked," so that the BigFix server cannot take any actions on it.
Lock ExpirationThe time (if any) at which the "locked" status of your computer will expire.
RelayThe DNS name of the BigFix relay your client is currently using.
Subscription TimeThe time and date when the BigFix client on your computer first communicated with the BigFix server.
SU GroupThe Stanford BigFix management group to which your computer is assigned. This property, along with "SU Subgroup," determines who will have management rights for your computer.
SU SubgroupThe Stanford BigFix management subgroup to which your computer is assigned. This property, along with "SU Group," determines who will have management rights for your computer.

Stanford University information

PropertyInformation Retrieved
Group MembershipsIndicates which groups (if any) your computer is a member of, such as the "DCM Systems" group or the "Sustainable IT" group, by virtue of certain other properties, such as special management requirement or the presence of special software.
Notification AddressEmail address to use when notifying you of any changes to the BigFix service.
Stanford PropertyIndicates whether or not your computer is owned by Stanford University, and provides the Stanford University property tag number of your computer, if one has been recorded.
SUNet IDs enrolled SUNet IDs of all enrollees on this computer 
High Risk Data by SUNet IDSUNet IDs claiming access to High Risk Data 
Primary Users SUNet ID of the primary user
SU Affiliated SUNet IDs SUNet IDs of users who say they're Stanford-affiliated 
Stanford Owned True/False
Multi-User True/False
Shared No Primary True/False
Shared Responsible Employee Primary SUNet ID of person responsible for a shared computer
Shared Computer Type Kiosk, Lab, Other 
Running in Virtual Machine True/False
Logged-in Users Currently Logged in users 
Used for Stanford Work True/False
SU High Risk Someone, anyone has said "yes" to High Risk Data 
CrashPlan server URLName of the CrashPlan server the client backups to
CrashPlan Client GUIDUnique ID assigned to the CrashPlan client
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