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Web Login Help

Why am I being asked to log in?

The service you requested requires that you identify yourself using your Stanford University Network (SUNet) ID. You must provide your SUNet ID and password to continue to the requested service or web page. (If you don't have a SUNet ID, see What if I don't have a SUNet ID, below.)

Under the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) protocol, your single web login gives you access to many other Stanford web sites besides the one you requested. In essence, you receive two keys when you log in: a key to the specific web site or service you requested, and a "master" key that opens other protected web sites as well. 

The keys last until you quit your browser program, or until they expire (they can last up to ten hours from the time of login). Always quit your browser before you leave your computer. Otherwise, someone else using the computer after you can get access to the Web—both to the sites for which you got specific keys as well as to any of the other Stanford web sites that accept the master key.

What am I supposed to do?

Make sure that the web login page you see has the URL Enter your SUNet ID and password and click on the Login button.

SUNet ID: Enter the login form of your SUNet ID, which is three to eight characters long.

Password: Enter the password associated with your SUNet ID. If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it yourself.

What if I don't have a SUNet ID?

Most Stanford community members are eligible for a SUNet ID. To get one, go to Accounts. To find out more, see the Accounts and Passwords documentation.

Help! What did I do wrong?

Error messages and descriptions:

A message says that your SUNet ID  or Password are incorrect: To log in, you must provide both your SUNet ID and its password. It must be the login form of your SUNet ID, which is three to eight characters long (for more information on SUNet IDs, see What am I supposed to do?). If you have forgotten your password, go to Accounts to reset it.

A message says you must enable cookies on your web browser:  Web login uses cookies for security and verification. Having a cookie for a Stanford website that requires a web login identifies you to the site and allows you to continue from one page to another without having to log in each time. You can usually enable cookies in the Settings or Preferences panels of your browser.

You took too long to log in: You must enter your SUNet ID and password within two hours of the web login screen appearing. Backing up to the web login page and trying again does not work; you must re-initiate the request for the web page or service you want.

Why am I being asked to authenticate?

When additional security is required, you are asked to use two-step authentication

You can be prompted to authenticate in a variety of situations, such as:

  • The site you are authenticating to requires it
  • Your browser or device has not been used before or has not been used in 90 days
  • You choose to require authentication each time you log in

Once prompted, you must use your two-step method to log in.

If you are unable to authenticate, you can go to Accounts to verify your identity. You can also change your two-step authentication devices, methods, and settings at Accounts. If you need assistance, please call the IT Service Desk at 650-725-4357 (5-HELP).

Last modified November 16, 2023