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Develop and Launch a Service

Service Lifecycle

Service Design     Develop and Launch Service     Manage and Improve Service     Service Retirement

The develop and launch phase of the service lifecycle is when each of the deliverables identified in the service design document are executed. For larger service developments, this is frequently done in partnership with the PMO. For smaller projects, the service design document will serve as a blueprint for developing the service. The goal of this phase is to ensure that your service is production-ready, with all deliverables defined in the service design completed and validated as “ready” by each of the process owners.

The process of developing a service is not a linear one. Many steps in the process overlap and can be completed simultaneously. 

The University IT demand process

A demand is a project proposal for any effort that is anticipated to require more than 400 hours of collective work from University IT staff. 

Infographic demonstrating Service Development Project paths

If your service development project is anticipated to be over 400 hours, you will need to submit a demand as part of the Project Portfolio Management Program

Service Management Toolkit 

For members of the UIT community. This Service Management Toolkit helps you navigate the key design and development tasks needed for service success.

Launch Toolkit

Key building blocks of a service 

Each of these components represents key foundational areas in developing a service.

This Service Production Readiness Checklist will assist you in tracking your progress.

How do I get help with my service development?

You can receive assistance with your service development by submitting a Help request with the Service Management Consulting team. 


Last modified April 14, 2023