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Authority Setup Utility

Bulk load specification and process

The team for the business system area will complete all of the NEW authority setup in UAT before proceeding. This must be done using the Authority Manager setup Apex application.

  1. A system area team member will then use the Grant Super User to grant the newly created authority setup to a SUNet ID— i.e., hennessy or some other appropriate initial grantor.
  2. This team will then create a tab-delimited input files for all assignments which are to be bulk loaded.
  3. Bulk loading of initial assignments into Authority Manager UAT can then be completed using the  Bulk Load Authority.
  4. Once the authority setup is ready to be moved to production the MaIS team will export the setup from UAT and import it into production
  5. The MaIS team will then will then use the Grant Super User to grant the newly created authority setup to a SUNet ID— i.e., hennessy or some other appropriate initial grantor.
  6. The last step is that the MaIS team will use the tab-delimited file to complete the production bulk load.

File Requirements

	1. The tab-delimited file should contain one row per authority assignment.
	2. The file should contain the following columns of data for each row in the order specified:
		2.1. grantor (one of the following)
				university id (univid) of the grantor of authority
				SUNet id (sunetid) of the grantor of authority
				registry object id (roid) of the grantor of authority 
		2.2. id of grantee (one of the following)
				university id (univid) of the recipient of authority 
				SUNet id (sunetid) of the recipient of authority 
				registry object id (roid) of the recipient of authority 
		2.3. admin id (adminid) of the organizational scope of the assignment (4-character)
		2.4. privilege id as assigned by business system area
		2.5. a 0 or 1 indicator for extensibility
			0 = not extensible
			1 = extensible 
		2.6. a 0 or 1 for grant only
			Null = not grant only
			0 = not grant only
			1 = grant only indicator 


Optional data in the bulk load file, the limit data listed in 2.7 is only needed if the privileges were setup with it.

		2.7.limit id, limit type, and limit value (zero or more)
			2.7.1. limit id 
			2.7.2. limit type
				APPROVAL  (limit id = financial:approval_limit) 
				SALARY (limit id = financial:salary) 
				PETTY_CASH (limit id =financial:petty_cash) 
				ORGANIZATION -  (limit id = financial:scope) 
				PROJECT  (limit id = financial:scope) 
				TASK -  (limit id = financial:scope) 
				ROLE -  (limit id = financial:scope) 
				AWARD  (limit id = financial:award_scope) 
				NOTE:   limit type value is case sensitive 
			2.7.3.	limit value
				500 -  (limit type = APPROVAL limit) 
				1500 -  (limit type = APPROVAL limit) 
				5000 -  (limit type = APPROVAL limit) 
				25000 -  (limit type = APPROVAL limit) 
				50000 -  (limit type = APPROVAL limit) 
				200000 -  (limit type = APPROVAL limit) 
				1000000 -  (limit type = APPROVAL limit) 
				No limit - (limit type = APPROVAL limit)  Note:  No limit is equal to the maximum APPROVAL limit: 99999999. 
				yes/no for view salary (limit type = SALARY) 
				One limit 1 to  500 for petty cash funds (limit type = PETTY_CASH)  

				NOTE:   No limit is equal to ALL PETTY_CASH funds
					any organization adminid -  (limit type = ORGANIZATION) 
					public id (e.g.1234567) for any project  (limit type = PROJECT) 
					public id (e.g.1234567-x) for any task -  (limit type = TASK) 
					univid for any person -  (limit type = ROLE)
					5-character id for any award -  (limit type = AWARD) 


Example Excel spreadsheet

You can use this Excel Spreadsheet as an example and template to create a bulk load file

Additional Information and important things to consider

  • Items required for each assignment row:
    1. grantor - (univid, sunetid or regid of the authority assignments grantee)
    2. id - (univid, sunetid or regid of the authority assignments grantee)
    3. 4-character admin id of the organizational scope of the assignment
    4. function id
    5. 0 or 1 (0 = not extensible; 1 = extensible)
    6. 0 or 1 (0 = not grant only; 1 = grant only)
  • More than one grantor can be represented in a file, but not within a single row of data.
  • Upon request the MaIS team can provide (2) output files as a result of a bulk load of a single input file: One tab-delimited file containing the assignments which succeeded during load. File format matches that which is defined in req. 3.5. and another with the failures.
Last modified October 29, 2019