Log in
- Press Log In.
- Dial your 10-digit agent login ID.
- Dial your 7-digit agent login ID again. (The AUX-Work 0 button will light; no ACD calls will be sent.)
To accept calls
- Press Auto-In (Logged In). (Calls will now be sent to your phone.)
To hang up from a call
- Press Release.
After call work
- Press After Call. (This action temporarily stops calls, allowing you to finish work from the previous caller.)
- After a few seconds, Auto-In automatically comes on to return to the queue and take calls.
To stop accepting calls during business hours
- Press AUX-Work. (This action busies out your phone for eACD calls. Use this for break, lunch, meetings, training, projects, off-phone work, personal misc. It does not stop personal/direct calls to agent login ID.)
Log out at end of day or shift
- Press Log Out.