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Cardinal Print Instructions for Guests and Visitors

If you are a Stanford administrator who needs to set up a guest account, see Instructions for Admin: Guest and Visitor Printing.

What is the difference between a public visitor and a guest?

visitor is a public visitor who is expected to pay for their own printing. Refer visitors to Cardinal Print instructions for Guests and Visitors to follow the instructions of how to print.

guest is someone invited to the university by faculty or staff and is not expected to pay for their printing, and who has a SUNet ID that allows them to badge in or log in to a Cardinal Print device.

I am a public visitor. How do I print?

  1. Go to the Cardinal Print service page, and click “Visitors: Log in to print center”.
  2. Click "Create an Account" or log in if you already have an account.
  3. Your fund balance is located in the bottom, left portion of the screen.
  4. To add funds using a credit card, click "Add funds."
  5. ​Once you've followed the steps to add funds, click refresh.
  6. Click "Upload" and select the file(s) you'd like to print.
  7. Select your desired printing options in the bottom, right portion of the screen.
  8. Go to any publicly accessible Cardinal Print device and enter your Cardinal Print username and password.
  9. Touch the "Print" option and select the documents you want to print.

For more information and visual instructions, see Quick Reference Guide for Visitors.

I am a Stanford sponsored guest. How do I print?

You must have a SUNet ID in order to access Cardinal Print, as well as a printing allocation for Cardinal Print. If you do not have a SUNet ID and password, you can follow up with your manager to request one. One you have a SUNet ID, you can follow these steps to print:

  1. Go to the Cardinal Print service page, and click “Cardinal Print Center”.
  2. Upload the files you want to print and adjust the settings accordingly.
  3. Locate your nearest Cardinal Print device and tap the screen.
  4. Use the keypad to enter your SUNet ID and password or if you have been provided a Contractor-Vendor card you can tap it on the card reader.
  5. Touch “Print” to view your printing queue and select the jobs you’d like to print.

For more information, visit How to Use Cardinal Print as a Guest.

How to access the wireless network

Stanford has three wireless networks available for guests:

  • Stanford Visitor (short-term sessions; limited bandwidth; ports limited to email, web browsing, VPN, and SSH; not part of Stanford University IP space)
  • Sponsored Guest (no restrictions based on ports; available for up to two weeks; requires a Stanford sponsor; part of Stanford University IP space)
  • eduroam (for eduroam affiliates, requires an account at an institution that participates in eduroam)

Visit Wireless Access for Stanford Visitors for more information about these options.


To learn more, visit Cardinal Print FAQs.

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