CS.Stanford Email Sign-in Alert
We detected a login attempt with valid password to your CS. Stanford email account from an unrecognized device on Mon Sept 16, 2013 01:56 PM PDT.
Location: Germany (IP=3D81.169.136.48) Note: The location is based on information from your Internet service or wireless carrier provider.
Was this you? If so, you can disregard the rest of this email.
If this wasn't you, please LOGIN HERE to confirm your ownership of this account and to protect your email account information from potential future account compromise.
The office of Information Security will keep this updated if information should change, but we encourage all users to run their updates after the expected release of this patch.
The Computer Science Department Computer Facilities (CSD-CF)
Location: Gates 170
Phone: 650 725-1451
Fax: 650 723-1701
Email: action@cs.stanford.edu