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The UIT Blog is a behind-the-scenes look at the build and delivery of technology products and services to the Stanford community. The topics you’ll read about are all told first-hand by the individuals who work closest to them.

Launching a New IT Service

Michelle Collette
September 18, 2020
A launch officially makes a new service available to clients. As explained in this short video, doing it right sets a service up for long-term success.
Illustration of a monitor and people

Why Understanding Channel Types Makes Using Slack More Awesome

September 17, 2020
All Slack channels serve the same fundamental purpose, but there are different types. Understanding the differences will help you create the best space for your conversations.  

An Introduction to IT Service Management Fundamentals

Michelle Collette
August 13, 2020
Check out this short video to learn more about some fundamental service management concepts and how work is organized according to the service lifecycle.

Four ‘Not-So-Obvious’ Tips to Use Google Forms Like a Pro

Rachel Manongdo
August 10, 2020
Form Builder may now be gone, but Google Forms can get the job done for you. When you’re ready to level up your Forms game, read on for a few not-so-obvious pro tips that I’ve picked up in my journey to adoption.  

Slack Connect Builds Bridges Between Stanford and Outside Organizations

July 28, 2020
Slack Connect lets you extend the benefits of channel-based communications to­ organizations beyond Stanford. You can now work with external partners using apps, chat, and file sharing — all without leaving your Stanford Slack workspace.

Early Adopters Transform Their Websites on the New Stanford Sites Drupal 8

Cynthia Endriga Mijares
July 22, 2020
With over 160 Stanford Sites Drupal 8 websites in progress since the platform launched in February, we want to spotlight a few of the early adopters and share their unique experiences as they transitioned from D7 to D8.  In just five months, these groups built their sites using our D8 product’s first version features, which focused on meeting the immediate needs of several D7 websites with simple content structures. 

A Behind-the-Scenes Look at IT Service Management

Michelle Collette
July 17, 2020
The Service Management blog is a new source for updates and articles about the art and science of managing your IT service. Are you preparing to offer a new IT service? Or maybe managing, changing, or retiring an existing service? Or do you just want to learn more about what IT service management is all about? If so, read on.

Drupal 7’s End of Life and What That Means for Stanford Sites

Sara Worrell-Berg
July 7, 2020
The Drupal 7 (D7) community recently announced that due to the COVID-19 impact, they are extending the previously scheduled D7 end of life from November 2021 to November 2022.  How does this affect our goal to upgrade all D7 Stanford websites to Drupal 8 in the next year or so? Good question! 

Slack-in-Place: 5 Ways to Manage Remotely with Slack

Kate Junco
May 15, 2020
Whether you’re temporarily managing from afar during Shelter-in-Place, regularly managing a remote team or individual, or a remote manager of an on-campus team like me, here are five ways I’ve found Slack to be particularly valuable in closing geographical distance and opening strong communication and collaboration practices.

My Take on the New Slack Experience

May 8, 2020
Along with other invited “Slack Champions,” I began test driving the refreshed platform in March to provide feedback to Slack. With that, I’ve had time to explore. Here’s a summary of what I like most and where I think there’s still room for improvement.
