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The UIT Blog is a behind-the-scenes look at the build and delivery of technology products and services to the Stanford community. The topics you’ll read about are all told first-hand by the individuals who work closest to them.

Five Takeaways From the Drupal 8 Pilot

Kerri Augenstein
December 3, 2019
After a massive amount of effort, our team pulled off a successful pilot release of the Drupal 8 (D8) platform. This involved developing a plan for research, internal testing and QA, and hands-on user interview sessions. During the sessions, we observed clients using the platform and solicited their invaluable feedback to understand what was currently working well and/or not so well.

Introducing the New Stanford Mobile App

October 28, 2019
Today’s release of Stanford Mobile was the first with a sole focus on improving the student experience. Through newly established campus-wide partnerships — including those with students — we learned what enhancements to the existing implementation would be most beneficial to the home screen’s layout, function, and content strategy.

Why Web Accessibility Matters

Rachel Manongdo
October 25, 2019
When you sit down to use your computer, what do you do and experience? Likely, without too much effort, you see the screen with your eyes, listen to videos with your ears, and comprehend the content with your brain. You interact with components on the screen by clicking a mouse, tapping a keyboard or screen, and ultimately, you understand the information that gets back to you  — or at least that’s the goal.

The Road to D8: What will be available and when?

John Bickar
October 2, 2019
Imagine building a whole new Drupal framework in one year, while considering the many unique website needs Stanford Sites users have cultivated over the past seven. That’s the challenge we are tackling. So what does releasing D8 for Stanford Sites look like? It looks like a whole lot of building and testing, followed by a series of iterative feature and version releases, along with regular security patches and upgrades, in true Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) fashion. 

Drupal 8: Scalable, Affordable, and More Secure Than Ever Platform-as-a-Service

Rachel Manongdo
September 3, 2019
Get ready, Stanford! The Drupal 8 (D8) platform will soon be the new framework for Stanford Sites, Stanford's primary web content management service for over 2,000 websites. To continue to receive security updates and support, Drupal 7 websites will need to move to D8 by 2021. Stanford Web Services (SWS) is currently building and designing D8 on Stanford Sites and is scheduled to deliver the first release by February 2020.
