A Microsoft Key Management Server (KMS) host on campus is used to activate Windows Operating Systems and Office products. If you are looking for Stanford's licensed Microsoft Office software, visit our Essential Stanford Software page.
Activate operating systems
- Click Start > All Programs > Accessories. Then, right-click Command Prompt and select Run as administrator.
- Change directories to the windows\system32. Normally this is done by changing to the system drive and then typing:
cd \windows\system32
- Run the following command to set the KMS Server:
cscript slmgr.vbs /skms su-kms.stanford.edu
- Run the following command to active against the newly set KMS:
cscript slmgr.vbs /ato
Activate Office
Office (on the Stanford Network) automatically searches in the primary DNS suffix zone for the KMS Service Record and register itself.
- Click Start > All Programs > Accessories. Then, right-click Command Prompt and select Run as administrator.
- Change directories to the Microsoft Office's Office16 directory.
- On 32-bit machines this is normally done by typing:
cd "%Program Files%\Microsoft Office\Office16"
- On 64-bit machines that have the 32-bit version of Microsoft Office install this is normally by typing:
cd "%Program Files(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office16"
- On 64-bit machines that have the 64-bit version of Microsoft Office install this is normally done by changing to the system drive and then typing:
cd "%Program Files%\Microsoft Office\Office16"
- On 32-bit machines this is normally done by typing:
- Run the following command to set the KMS Server:
cscript ospp.vbs /sethst:su-kms.stanford.edu
- Run the following command to active against the newly set KMS:
cscript ospp.vbs /act
Multiple Activation Key (MAK)
Multiple Activation Keys (MAK) are available upon request and are only intended for computers which never connect to the Stanford Network to use the KMS Server. Remote workers who use VPN will be able to use the KMS server.
Anytime upgrade: Windows 7 Ultimate upgrades EOL
Stanford acquired a limited amount of anytime upgrade keys and requests should be only if hardware refresh or rebuilding is NOT a option. A clean OS build always is a better choice. These are no longer available.