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Software Licensing

The University IT Software Licensing office acts as a main point of contact for academic software that is available for purchase or use on campus.

Software offered directly from Software Licensing

Academic software are licensed and distributed by Software Licensing. If there is general and continuing interest in a software product not yet offered on campus, we will research the request to see if we can negotiate an agreement that will benefit the university.

Please note that this is not a comprehensive list of software offered through campus providers, only academic software distributed by Software Licensing. To browse the a more comprehensive list, visit the Software at Stanford website

Software TitlesUnixLinuxWinMacDescription
Abaqus SupportedSupported Software suite for finite element analysis and computer-aided engineering
Adobe  SupportedSupportedAcrobat Pro DC and Creative Cloud
AMOS  Supported Statistical Data Analysis
ENVI and IDL SupportedSupportedSupportedRemote Sensing
JMP  SupportedSupportedStatistical Discovery Software Tool
LabVIEW  Supported Data Acquisition & Control, Measurement & Programming
Maple SupportedSupportedSupportedMathematical Symbolic Manipulation
Mathematica SupportedSupportedSupportedSymbolic Math Computation Environment
MATLAB Individual Institution License SupportedSupportedSupportedMathematical Matrix Lab for Interactive Computation
MATLAB Network Institution License SupportedSupportedSupportedMathematical Matrix Lab for Interactive Computation
Microsoft Site Licensed Software  SupportedSupportedMicrosoft Office, Visio, Project for faculty, staff, and students and server products for Stanford IT Professionals.
NVivo  SupportedSupportedQualitative Analysis software
QualtricsSupportedSupportedSupportedSupportedWeb-based survey tool
SAS SupportedSupported Statistical Information Delivery System
SmartsheetSupportedSupportedSupportedSupportedOnline project management/collaboration tool
SPSS  SupportedSupportedStatistical Data Analysis
Stata  SupportedSupportedStatistical Data Analysis and Data Conversion
SuperMongoSupportedSupportedSupportedSupportedInteractive plotting package for drawing graphs