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Fiscal Year 2018 Rate Changes

In September 2017, rates will change for some of the technology services provided by University IT.  The table below list the majority of our planned rate changes. For more detail on all our rates, please visit the rates section.

Service Category Service Description FY17 Rate FY18 Rate
Communications Automated Call Distribution (eACD) Standard: Monthly $800 $820
Enhanced Level 1: Time and Materials $3,800 $3,895
Enhanced Level 1: Monthly $1,100 $1,128
Enhanced Level 2: Time and Materials $6,000 $6,150
Enhanced Level 2: Monthly $1,100 $1,128
Enhanced Level 3: Monthly $1,100 $1,128
Agent License $1,000 $1,025
IP Agent License $1,400 $1,435
Supervisor License $600 $615
Station License (second number) $140 $144
Call Recording: Monthly $16 $19
Circuits On Campus: Activation $615 $630
On Campus: Monthly $100 $102.50
Off Campus: Activation $615 $630
Off Campus: Monthly $200 $205
North Campus: Activation $615 $630
North Campus: Monthly $375 $385
Telephone Installation $155 $159
Converged Communications

The rates for our Converged Communication service will increase by 2.5%. Because the service cost is set annually based on the volume of telephone numbers and network ports used, there may be additional increases or decreases according to the quantities in your unit. We will contact units individually regarding the new charges for Converged Communication specific to their area in June.

System Administration Comprehensive Support Standard Business Hours: Monthly $410 $423
Standard 24/7: Monthly $456 $470
Complex Business Hours: Monthly $667 $687
Complex 24/7: Monthly $715 $737
Flexible Business Hours: Monthly $292 $301
Computer Resource Consulting Lab Support per month, per workstation $17 $18
Desktop Support: per month, per workstation Workstations Limited $28.50 $29.50
Workstations 500+ $53.50 $55
Workstations 201-500 $58 $60
Workstations 1-200 $59 $61
Workstation Premium $207 $213
Desktop On Call Service: Hourly Existing Clients $75 $80
New Clients $99 $102
Video Conference Support: Hourly Support Contract Clients $75 $80
Non Support Contract Clients $99 $102
IT Consulting: Hourly Strategy Guidance $99 $102
Senior Consultant $134 $138
VDI Support: Monthly Per workstation $2 $2.10
Facilities Server Hosting Rates Installation $525 $538
By Rack Unit (shared rack space) $20.50 $21
By Full Rack: Medium $410 $420
By Full Rack: Large $635 $651
10G Connectivity Per connection $350 $359
Cable Television Cardinal Cable TV Activation $36.75 $40.45
Monthly $60 $66
Additional High Def DVR: Activation $36.75 $40.45
Additional High Def DVR: Monthly $11.95 $13.15
Technical Installation $150 $165
Technology Training Facility Rentals Turing Auditorium: Hourly $60 $80
Backup & Recovery Code42 CrashPlan (formerly CrashPlan PROe) Per account, up to four devices: Monthly $5 $5.15
Per account, up to four devices, when transferring existing licenses $3.75 $3.90
Time and Materials Time: Hourly Service Deployment and Administration $134 $138
Design and Development $172 $177
CAD Drawings $75 $77
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