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Setting Permissions

To increase security and reduce risk, Stanford is sunsetting its WebAFS service that is used to upload and download files to AFS.

To optimize AFS and make sure it is serving its intended functions, UIT has also taken these actions:

  • UIT no longer automatically provisions new faculty and staff members with AFS user volumes. New faculty or staff who need a personal user volume must submit a Help request.
    • This change does not impact existing AFS directories or the process for adding permissions for new individuals to those existing directories. Your existing space and everything in it remains intact.
    • This change does not impact the auto-provisioning of new AFS user volumes for students and postdocs.

​Class volumes do not expire and are kept indefinitely. This is an official academic policy, and any change to this policy must be considered by the Faculty Senate.


Access Control Lists -- known as ACLs (pronounced "ackles") -- determine who's allowed to see, change, or move your AFS files. The permissions you set with ACLs don't work on the files themselves: they work on the folders that hold the files. This page will lead you to step-by-step instructions for setting ACLs.

The instructions presume you've got a SUNet ID and know enough about AFS to move around within it. If you're uncertain about the latter, take a look at the Navigating AFS page. The first part of each instruction set provides easy to use directions. The second provides simple cookie-cutter instructions for which set of ACLs to use, depending on the kind of permissions you want to grant. If you need information about creating ACLs for entire groups of people, see the How to create pts groups page.

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