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File and Data Storage: AFS

To increase security and reduce risk, Stanford is sunsetting its WebAFS service that is used to upload and download files to AFS.

To optimize AFS and make sure it is serving its intended functions, UIT has also taken these actions:

  • UIT no longer automatically provisions new faculty and staff members with AFS user volumes. New faculty or staff who need a personal user volume must submit a Help request.
    • This change does not impact existing AFS directories or the process for adding permissions for new individuals to those existing directories. Your existing space and everything in it remains intact.
    • This change does not impact the auto-provisioning of new AFS user volumes for students and postdocs.

​Class volumes do not expire and are kept indefinitely. This is an official academic policy, and any change to this policy must be considered by the Faculty Senate.

Stanford is sunsetting the lightly used WebAFS service for accessing files on AFS on January 7, 2024. Other more modern and secure alternatives will continue to be made available. See this note for additional details. University IT offers full support for the AFS platform, but strongly recommends the use of more modern and broadly adopted file storage services. UIT’s recommendations can be found here .

AFS Class Volumes Will No Longer Expire

January 31, 2024

AFS (Andrew File System) is a distributed, networked file system that enables efficient file sharing between clients and servers. AFS files are accessible via the Web or through file transfer programs such as OpenAFS or Fetch (Macintosh) and SecureFX (Windows).


  • File sharing —  easily and securely share documents and files over the network with colleagues, workgroups, and even other institutions.
  • File backup and restore —  all data is backed up nightly. Backups are kept for 30 days.
  • File access — easily and securely access your files from other computers.
  • File permissions —  use AFS file permissions to provide access to individuals or groups.
  • Websites — store and serve web pages directly and securely.
  • File security —  files are protected by the Kerberos authentication system.
  • Mobile access — a mobile client is available for the iPhone and iPad. The iYFS app is available from the iTunes store for purchase.
  • User volumes provision – a new process for provisioning AFS user volumes, see New Process for Provisioning AFS User Volumes for more information
  • Volume expiration policy – implement user, dept, and group AFS volumes annually renewal process, see AFS Volume Expiration Policy for more information.

Designed for

Current faculty, staff, and students.

AFS storage space is also available for Stanford departments, groups, and courses, and for dedicated research purposes.


A full-service SUNet ID

Data security

This service should only be used for Low and Moderate Risk Data — not High Risk Data — as defined by the Information Security Office. To store High Risk Data on AFS, use the Secure AFS service.


The default quota of AFS storage space is provide free of charge.

If more storage space is needed, charges may apply. See the How to Get More Storage Space web page.

Get started

See AFS for Beginners. Also see File Transfer on the Essential Stanford Software website.

Get help

General support is available through HelpSU.

Learn more

Currently all students with a full-service SUNet ID are granted 5 GB of AFS file space. Additional disk space is available by request for faculty-sponsored research including dissertations. New faculty and staff members are not auto-provisioned with AFS user volumes, but can submit a Help request if personal AFS user volume is needed.

See also

Last modified February 28, 2024