Starting June 21, it will be easier and quicker to search for colleagues in the StanfordWho directory. That’s when University IT rolls out an enhanced Public view with more search features and a more consistent user experience.
The StanfordWho directory lets you search for faculty, students, staff, and sponsored affiliates at the university and hospitals. The directory includes a Public view, which anyone can access, and a more detailed Stanford and Affiliates view, which you must log in to access. The Stanford and Affiliates view was updated last year.
How the Public view is changing
The enhanced Public view, which only displays the personal information that an individual chooses to share, lets you:
- See a person’s name, photograph (if they make it available), role, department, and contact information.
- Search the directory by a keyword, such as a department name.
- Switch between the two views by clicking a login button to move your search to the Stanford and Affiliates view without re-entering the search terms.
You can learn more about the changes and find detailed search instructions on the Public view transition page. You can also review instructions on the StanfordWho website about how to update a link from a Stanford website to a StanfordWho listing or search result.
How to limit what information is visible
You can decide what information about you, if any, is visible in the enhanced Public view. The Public view transition page includes instructions on how to change the privacy settings for your name, role, contact information, and photograph.
A move to the cloud
The enhanced Public view, like the current Stanford and Affiliates view, will be hosted by a cloud-based service provider, with the goal of providing a scalable, cost-efficient, secure and resilient directory solution for the university.
Moving both StanfordWho views to the cloud is part of a larger strategy to enhance the directory, and part of UIT's accelerated march toward integrated cloud services.
To learn more about the StanfordWho transition to the cloud, please visit the webpage Q&As About Cloud Solutions.