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Fiscal Year 2020 Rates

*Please be aware that in September 2021, rates will change for some of the technology services provided by University IT.

The table below lists the majority of our planned rate changes for services that are broadly available to our community. There are other services unique to specific groups – and not offered broadly or published here – that will also experience rate changes.

For more information, please visit the rates section of our website.

Service Category Service Description FY19 Rate FY20 Rate
Communications Circuits On Campus: Activation $630 $650
On Campus: Monthly $102.50 $110
Off Campus: Activation $630 $650
Off Campus: Monthly $205 $215
North Campus: Activation $630 $650
North Campus: Monthly $385 $400
Telephone Installation $159 $164
Single Phone Line (non-converged): Monthly $55 $56.65
External Carrier Line: Activation $159 $164
Voice Processing Mailbox $40 $41.20
Residential Cable Modem $43.95 $45.25
Residential Bundle $137 $142
Residential Bundle 2 $104 $107
Computer Resource Consulting Desktop Support: Hourly New and Existing Clients $80 $82
Room Support Video Conferencing Event Support $36 $40
Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) VDI Support $2.60 $3.00
Facilities Server Hosting Rates Installation $538 $554
By Rack Unit (shared rack space) $21 $21.65
By Full Rack: Medium $420 $433
By Full Rack: Large $651 $670
10G Connectivity Per connection $359 $370
Cable Television Cardinal Cable TV Activation $40.45 $41.65
Monthly $66 $68
Additional High Def DVR: Activation $40.45 $41.65
Additional High Def DVR: Monthly $13.15 $13.55
Technical Installation $165 $170
Backup & Recovery Code42 CrashPlan (formerly CrashPlan PROe) Per account, up to four laptops or desktop computers: Monthly $4.50 $5.20
Networks and Connectivity Net-to-Switch 24 Port 10GbE Distro switch $263 $271
48 Port 10G Distribution switch $450 $464
24 Port 1Gb w/10G uplink $162 $167
48 Port 1Gb w/10G uplink $247 $255
Research Computing Research Computing Server Hosting Pre-populated Rack $214 $220
Stanford-provided Rack $257.50 $265
Oak Storage Rates Access to and management of 10 TB Research Storage Space (FILESPACE) $41.67 $42.95
JBOD management of a disk array unit purchased separately by PI $666.67 $687
    Access to and management of gateway to Oak Storage $69 $71
Servers and Data Database Administration Microsoft SQL database administration with 24x7 support $464 $478
Microsoft SQL database administration with business hours support $128 $132
Oracle database administration with 24x7 support $824 $849
Oracle database administration with business hours support $155 $160
Server Hosting 10G Connectivity $359 $370
By Square Foot $22.50 $23.20
Hourly Rate (Networking and Facilities) $138 $142

Large Rack (up to 8 kW)

$651 $670

Medium Rack (up to 4 kW)

$420 $433
By Rack Unit (shared rack space) $21 $21.65
Installation, per server $538 $554
Time and Materials Time: Hourly Service Deployment and Administration $138 $142
Design and Development $177 $182
CAD Drawings $77 $85
Project Management $138 $142
Rush and After Hours Rush service requests $128 $132
After-hours/emergency requests $206 $212

**Please contact Stanford Web Services directly for information about their rate changes.
**Applicable for the units who pay UIT directly for Converged Communications, the rate will increase by 3% for FY20.

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