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Placing Calls from Olmsted Terrace, Stanford West, and Welch Road Apartments

Local area calls

To reach another Stanford telephone

Dial the last five digits of the telephone number.
For example, if the number is 725-4636, dial 5-4636 (this is the 5-INFO number).

Note: The Stanford system serves the University, the Medical Center, and on-campus student residences. Stanford phones have 7-digit numbers beginning with 723, 725, 497 or 498. Note that from a non-Stanford phone, a caller must dial your full 7-digit phone number to reach you; non-Stanford callers cannot dial a five-digit number to reach you.

To reach an off-campus phone within the local area

Dial 9 + seven-digit telephone number.

AREA CODE 764, 408, 669 or 510
Dial 9 + 1 + area code + seven-digit telephone number.

To reach 9-1-1 emergency services

Dial 9 + 911.
Connects to the Palo Alto 911 dispatch for a medical/police/fire emergency.

Long distance calls

Area code 650 outside the local area

Dial 9 + 1 + 650 + seven-digit telephone number ...

Outside 650 within the U.S. & Canada

Dail 9 + 1 + area code + seven-digit telephone number ...

International: direct dial countries

Dial 9 + 011 + country code + city code + telephone number ...

International: non-direct dial countries

To call a non-direct dial location, dial 200 for a Stanford operator or see the instructions see the next instructions below for calling card and assisted calls.

Information for Stanford

Information for Stanford University and Medical Center is provided by the Stanford operator.

Dial 200

Directory information

Information for area code 650

Dial 9 + 411

Information for other area codes

Dial 9 + 1 + area code + 555-1212
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