What types of files can be added to Google Shared drives?
All file types can be added to a Shared drive, except Google Maps and existing documents with attached Apps Scripts.
Can I move a folder from My Drive to a Shared drive?
No. You cannot move folders from a My Drive to a Shared drive. You can only move files, but you can move multiple files at once. For more information and instructions see Migrate Files to Google Shared drives.
Can I sync files to my computer?
No, currently the laptop/desktop Google Drive sync tool does not sync files stored in Shared drives. If you are the owner of a large share in your My Drive and you use Google Drive sync tool to sync files to and from your desktop or laptop machine, you will not be able to sync the files if you move them to a Shared drive. Google recently released Google File Stream for enterprise and educational institutions.
Can I use a Drive Volume Letter (e.g. G:) for my Google Drive Sync Folder?
No. You cannot use a drive volume letter for your Shared drives files. This feature is expected in a future release of the Google Drive desktop application.
How long do files I delete stay in Trash?
Each Shared drive has its own trash. Files and folders in the Trash are deleted forever after 30 days. Team members can delete specific files sooner.
Can I restore deleted files?
Yes, you can restore deleted files if you have Edit access or full access.