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OrderIT Migration to ServiceNow Delayed One Year (UIT Community)

The original article was posted at the UIT Community site on Dec. 12, 2016.

Submitted by the Service Management Steering Committee

The Service Management Steering Committee has deferred moving (and enhancing) OrderIT to ServiceNow (Phase 1C UIT Billable Service Ordering) by one year—from July 31, 2017 to July 31, 2018.

This decision means that OrderIT forms will remain in PMG longer. The support team will continue to maintain the existing PMG service, but it will not pursue new PMG features or enhancements.

Why the change?

The decision was made for a few reasons:

  • Some of our campus partners have asked to expedite the integration of their services into ServiceNow. We want to support their requested timeline (and enthusiasm), and those client timelines conflict with the existing schedule for Phase 1C.
  • Moving Phase 1C will allow UIT to give even greater focus to an upcoming major Oracle upgrade. With the new approach, we would implement Phase 1C after the Oracle upgrade.
  • Upcoming enhancements to ServiceNow will provide greater functionality for provisioning services. Altering the timeline allows us to work as a design partner with ServiceNow to get even more of the functionality Stanford needs.
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