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Department Operations Centers (DOCs) Overview

Department Operations Centers (DOCs) are distributed across the university in departments, schools, and business units. DOCs coordinate response and recovery by the school, department or business unit and serve as the interface between the campus community and the Emergency Operations Center (EOC).

Within the EOC Operations Section, there are three branches for three distinct types of DOCs:

  • Operational DOCs (UIT is this type)
  • Academic DOCs (and Partner DOCs)
  • Care Branch DOCs

DOC roles and responsibilities

  • When activated, each DOC manages mission critical response including:
    • Provide situational assessment information to the EOC.
    • Report damage and status of personnel to school or department leadership and the EOC.
    • Assist students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Coordinate response by the School, department or business unit.
    • Provide emergency instructions and information to constituents (faculty, staff, students, visitors).
    • Determine impact on teaching, research, and operations and, with EOC support, manage response and recovery. Use incident action planning to set priorities and strategize response and recovery.

University IT DOC locations

Most UIT DOC activations are handled remotely via Zoom. If physical locations are needed, the verified options for assembly are:

Primary UIT DOC Locations:

  • Historic Campus: Polya Hall, 170B Conference Room
  • Stanford Redwood City Campus: Cardinal Hall, C427 Conference Room

Note: The Polya Hall 170B Conference Room is not on generator, so in the event of a power-related activation, the secondary or tertiary UIT DOC location should be used.

Secondary UIT DOC Locations:

  • Historic Campus: Pine Hall, 135B Conference Room
  • Stanford Redwood City Campus: Cardinal Hall, C324 Conference Room

Note: The Pine Hall 135B Conference Room is on generator, so this would be a primary UIT DOC location for activation after a power-related event.

Tertiary UIT DOC Locations:

  • Historic Campus: Forsythe Hall, ITOC Open Space, 2nd Floor, Room 245
  • Stanford Redwood City Campus: Cardinal Hall, C222 Conference Room

Note: The Forsythe Hall ITOC Open Space, Room 245 is on generator, so this would be a primary UIT DOC location for activation after a power-related event.

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