Note: This is a lecture. A laptop is recommended, but not required.
A great photo will add significant value to any communication project, yet getting that perfect photo can be a significant challenge. We often find ourselves searching endless photo libraries of un-useable options, spending hundreds of dollars for a high-end stock photo, or stressing about copyrights of images found online.
Imagine grabbing your smart phone or DSLR camera, stepping out of the office and getting the perfect photo for all your communication needs. Learn how the newest technology (hardware and software) will help you create professional looking photos.
We will cover the entire digital process from start to finish, to get the right image for your project.
Learn how camera phone & photography basics, such as composition, lighting, depth of field, and manual focus can impact the quality of your picture. We will also discuss photo-organization, HDR, and the latest 3rd party apps to transform your smartphone into a pro camera.
University IT Technology Training classes are only available to Stanford University staff, faculty, or students. A valid SUNet ID is needed in order to enroll in a class.