In advance of each session, Tech Training will provide you with a Zoom link to your class, along with any required class materials.
Learn how to code in Python, one of the most popular programming languages today. This class covers the fundamentals of developing scripts to automate routine work and scale large-load work.
By the end of this course, you will have a better understanding of common coding skills in Python, and acquire knowledge of its data structures, modules, functions, input/output, exceptions, and the basics of the object-oriented methodologies. This course covers how to develop, test, debug, and improve your coding skills in Python.
Session 1 (3 hours):
1. Variables and strings manipulations
2. Lists, Sets, Dictionaries, and Tuples
3. Sorting functions
4. If statements, for and while loops
Session 2 (3 hours):
1. Opening, reading, and writing files
2. Functions and modules
3. Functions with variable number of arguments
4. Exception handlings
5. Assertion and corner cases
Session 3 (3 hours):
1. Lambda function and List comprehension
2. The modules math, datetime, os, sys, and urllib
3. The regular expressions module (re) and use cases
Session 4 (3 hours):
1. Object Oriented Programming in Python
2. Magic methods, object Equality, and properties of an instance of a class
University IT Technology Training classes are only available to Stanford University staff, faculty, students and Stanford Hospitals & Clinics employees. A valid SUNet ID is needed in order to enroll in a class.