This live online class tackles today's workplace challenges by introducing mindfulness, demystifying it, and translating it to simple techniques that you can easily incorporate into your daily work life.
Note: Aspects of this webinar is also covered in the "Perfect 15-Minute Day Method" workshop.
Information overload, social media, mobile apps, constant interruptions, competing priorities, you name it! Our day has become so fragmented and so inefficient. Fulfillment and satisfaction have become rare commodities! However, it doesn't have to be this way. There are effective and proven ways to navigate through these challenges while feeling less stressed and more fulfilled than ever thought possible.
This webinar tackles today's workplace challenges by introducing mindfulness, demystifying it, and translating it to simple techniques that you can easily incorporate into your daily work life using a journal, a timer, and a method, to help you skillfully manage through the most demanding work environments.
Note: After registering for this webinar, you will receive instructions from GotoWebinar directly. (Make sure the emails you receive from them do not end up in your SPAM filter).
University IT Technology Training classes are only available to Stanford University staff, faculty, or students. A valid SUNet ID is needed in order to enroll in a class.