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Introduction to GitHub and Code Collaboration

Effective immediately in response to COVID-19, all Technology Training classes will be delivered online until further notice.

In advance of each session, Tech Training will provide you with a Zoom link to your class, along with any required class materials.

This half-day session is intended to introduce GitHub, a host and online community that allows collaboration on private or open-source projects.

Git is a powerful version control system central to the open-source code revolution, allowing us to manage, track, repair, and share our codebase. Github is a host and online community that allows collaboration on private or open-source projects.

Learners should have an understanding of Basic Programming.

Once you have learned the basics of coding it is important to both share your expertise as well as to learn from others' code. 

GitHub is an online community for facilitating code collaboration and you will have the opportunity in this class to learn, step by step, how it works and how you can use it to store and collaborate with others online.

GitHub has become the default platform for code development, but it is also ideal for sharing and storing other text-based documents. We will begin with setting up GitHub on your desktop and launching your first project. You will create a repository for your coding projects and then explore how to clone others' repositories and improve your workflow. 

Learning Objectives
During this course, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Store and share your work online with GitHub
  • Understand the basics of GitHub so that you can contribute to coding projects
  • Collaborate on GitHub with others on your team
  • Keep track of projects, and work more effectively with others
  • Share your code, contribute to and learn from others' code

Topic Outline:

Overview of Git and GitHub

  • Understanding Version Control
  • Signing up for a GitHub Account
  • Personalizing Your Account
  • Milestone 1 Learning Exercise:  Setting up GitHub Desktop

Using GitHub

  • Setting up a Repository
  • Adding a File
  • Viewing, Modifying, Committing Changes
  • Milestone 2 Learning Exercise: Create a repository, add a file, modify and commit changes


  • Cloning a Repository
  • Forking a Repository
  • Pull Request
  • Committing to a Branch
  • Collaborating on Pull Requests
  • Pushing Code to GitHub
  • Project Management

Publishing Content

  • Wikis
  • GitHub Pages

Configuring Repositories

  • Adding Collaborators
  • Configuring Branches
  • Managing Members and Teams
  • Milestone 3 Learning Exercise:  Downloading and Working Offline

Conclusion: Next steps

University IT Technology Training classes are only available to Stanford University staff, faculty, students and Stanford Hospitals & Clinics employees. A valid SUNet ID is needed in order to enroll in a class.

Custom training workshops are available for this program

Technology training sessions structured around individual or group learning objectives. Learn more about custom training

University IT Technology Training sessions are available to a wide range of participants, including Stanford University staff, faculty, students, and employees of Stanford Hospitals & Clinics, such as Stanford Health Care, Stanford Health Care Tri-Valley, Stanford Medicine Partners, and Stanford Medicine Children's Health.

Additionally, some of these programs are open to interested individuals not affiliated with Stanford, allowing for broader community engagement and learning opportunities.