In this hands-on course, the R programming language is taught with the objectives to collect, analyze, and visualize datasets from various sources, and apply practical statistical data analysis.
Prerequisite: Basic understanding of programming.
Section topics in this two-day class include:
- Section 1: Basic syntax and R data structures
- Section 2: Reading data to R and manipulating datasets
- Section 3: Merging datasets and developing aggregated summary tables
- Section 4: Data visualization techniques
During and at the end of each session, hands-on exercises will be practiced to:
- Build dataframes, selecting specific rows and columns, add columns, and apply functions on columns that contain date values
- Download public data into R, apply manipulation functions on data records, and summarize insights from data
- Merge datasets by foreign keys, reshape datasets, select random samples from dataframes, and aggregate columns by other columns
- Create different data visualizations and save them in different formats
University IT Technology Training classes are only available to Stanford University staff, faculty, or students. A valid SUNet ID is needed in order to enroll in a class.