Effective immediately in response to COVID-19, all Technology Training classes will be delivered online until further notice.
In advance of each session, Tech Training will provide you with a Zoom link to your class, along with any required class materials.
This course will expose you to the practices that allow you to get the most value from your data. Good data management is necessary to find the delicate balance between data enablement and data security and privacy.
Introduction to the Art and Science of Data Management touches on the entire data management lifecycle and best practices when establishing a Data Management practice. It is based on concepts described in DAMA.org's DMBOK (Data Management Body of Knowledge) and incorporates real-life experiences from the global data management community. The course will focus in more detail on the capabilities that you can begin using now to improve your data practices - application of metadata, building business glossaries, managing reference data, and using tools to clean and standardize your data. Interactive activities are planned to reinforce the learning and how it can be incorporated into your organization.
Learning Objectives:
During this course, you will have the opportunity to:
- Identify the guiding principles for data management.
- Clarify the scope and boundaries of data management.
- Understand standard terms and their meanings for data management areas, including deliverables and roles.
- Help data stewards and data management professionals understand their roles and responsibilities.
- Understand how to assess data management effectiveness and maturity.
- Understand the range & types of metadata that make your data more valuable (useful).
- Identify best practices for identifying, managing and sharing reference data.
- Apply data cleansing and standardization to improve data quality.
Topic Outline:
- Course Introduction
- Reference to DMBOK (Data Management Book of Knowledge) and DAMA.org
- Data management lifecycle and key roles in the data management world
- Data management organization and role expectations
- Introduction to core data management area and concepts
- Data management maturity assessment overview
- Data Security and data handling overview
- Understand how data management relates to Big Data and Data Science
- Metadata management overview & application
- Reference and data overview & application
- Data quality overview & application
- Exercise 1: Roleplay for a typical Data Management team
- Exercise 2: Exploration of tools for data cleansing and exploration of data
- Exercise 3: Craft business-centered data definitions
- References, certification information, and next steps
Structured Activity/Exercises/Case Studies:
- Exercise 1: Roleplay for a typical Data Management team
- Exercise 2: Exploration of tools for data cleansing and exploration of data
- Exercise 3: Craft business-centered data definitions
University IT Technology Training classes are only available to Stanford University staff, faculty, students and Stanford Hospitals & Clinics employees. A valid SUNet ID is needed in order to enroll in a class.