Most Technology Training classes will be delivered online until further notice.
Before each sesson, Tech Training will provide a Zoom link for live online classes, along with any required class materials.
Adobe Photoshop is the industry-standard image editing software and is used worldwide by photographers and graphic designers to perfect their digital images. If you work with photos and graphics, learning Adobe Photoshop is a must. Adobe Photoshop lets you enhance, retouch, and manipulate photographs and other images. Photoshop allows you to transform your images to the workings of your imagination and showcase them for the world to see.
Whether you are new to Photoshop or a seasoned user, this course will provide you with valuable knowledge, skills, tips, and tricks to improve efficiency and make your work come to life.
In this class, you will have an opportunity to learn how to properly use Photoshop's tools, discover how to retouch and color correct photographic images, create images for web and print, as well as receive an introduction to professional imaging workflows.
Course topics will focus on:
- Tools and Workspace
- Production tips and tricks
- Image editing
- Selection techniques
- Retouching Images
- Color Correction
- Layers and Masking
Module 1: Navigating Photoshop (~.10)
- Workspace, Tools, and Panels
- Using panels
- Customizing your panels
- Accessing tools and their options
- Hidden Tools
- Navigating the image area
- Using zoom features
- (lecture and follow along files)
Module 2: Working With Layers (~.10)
- Selecting layers
- Duplicating layers
- Using layer transparency
- Using layer blend modes
- (lecture and follow along files)
Module 3: Color Correcting an Image (~.15)
- Using Auto Contrast, Color, and Tone
- Making a Curves Adjustment
- Using Shadows and Highlights to brighten a dark image
- Using Adjustment Layers to refine color, tone, and contrast
- (lecture and follow along with files)
Module 4: Retouching Images (~ 1)
- Using the crop and straighten tools
- Applying the Dust and Scratches filter
- Using the Clone Stamp tool
- Using the Healing Brush tool
- Using the Spot Healing Brush tool
- Applying a sharpen filter
- Exporting images from Photoshop
- (Activity 1)
Module 6: Creating Images for Print - Flyer (~1.5)
- Applying document settings for print
- Working with multiple files
- Use the Swatches Panel
- Importing a Swatch Library
- Selecting Color
- Working with Text Fill boxes
- Using the Character and Paragraph Panel
- Applying layer styles
- Using a Hue Saturation Adjustment Layer
- Creating Groups
- Selecting and Transforming Groups
- Using the Content-Aware Fill tool
- Creating shapes
- Using Layer Effects
- Exporting images for print
- (Activity 2)
Module 5: Creating Images for the Web - Ad Banner (~1.5)
- Applying document settings for the web
- Creating text
- Editing text
- Using the Magic Wand Tool
- Using the Layers Panel
- Using Smart Objects
- Merging Layers
- Using the Warp Transform Tool
- Discovering color themes with Adobe Kulur
- Applying layer masks
- Using Color Blend Modes
- Creating Custom Shapes
- Exporting images for the web
- (Activity 3)
Note: This class will be taught on Adobe Photoshop Creative Cloud