If you are not commonly known by your full legal name, you can enter a preferred name to display in your online and printed directory listings.
To change your preferred name if you are a faculty or staff member:
- Log into StanfordYou.
- Click Maintain your directory and AlertSU emergency contact information.
- Next to Name & ID, click change.
- Type your preferred name.
- Click Save. The update should be available in systems such as StanfordWho within 24 hours.
If you are a university employee but don't have SUNet ID, ask your department's Human Resources representatives to change your directory information using the HR systems.
Stanford Hospital employees cannot use StanfordYou. Ask your Human Resources department to make any changes.
The StanfordWho directory often reflects changes made in StanfordYou almost immediately, but some changes take 24 hours to display. If the directory doesn't reflect your updates after 24 hours, please submit a HelpSU request.
To change your preferred name if you are a student:
- Log into Axess.
- Click Personal Information.
- Click Names.
- Edit as desired. International students can change their Preferred Name by following the same instructions as other students.