Moving from a private office to a flexible open floor plan or telecommuting requires more than just a change in how you work. It can also mean modifying or adding to your existing office equipment to accommodate the unique circumstances of your new work environment.
If your local management determines that it is necessary to purchase you computing equipment, you should first check with your unit’s IT support staff for equipment recommendations that are compatible with the unit's standards. Each unit has the discretion to determine what is a reasonable and appropriate purchase. If there are no predefined or preferred items required by the unit, you can refer to the recommendations below.
Below are University IT’s recommendations for equipment. If you have any questions about this page, please contact University IT. Don't see what you need? Please contact your local IT support.
Purchase and Tracking Instructions
To ensure Stanford-owned equipment is appropriately inventoried and tracked, each unit must have an equipment accounting process. Regardless of the tool used (e.g., Excel, ServiceNow), the maintained information must include identifying data for each piece of equipment and the name of the person to whom the equipment is assigned.
The equipment recommended below is available through the Amazon Business portal in iProcurement ( > SU Internet Procurement > Amazon Business). If you want to purchase any of this equipment, you should follow your department’s purchasing process. If you want to purchase directly, you should first check with your manager on reimbursement policies.
COVID-19 Related Purchases: When completing the ordering, payment, or reimbursement for equipment purchased to support telecommuting as a result of Stanford’s response to COVID-19, the transaction’s Business Purpose must include the term COVID for reference. For more information about tagging financial transactions, visit Financial Management Services’ COVID-19 news bulletin.