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Temporary Movement of Office Equipment

Guidelines about temporary movement of office equipment during the shelter-in-place order


This provides general guidelines to assist local units in determining the temporary movement of Stanford-issued office equipment and furnishings for staff.  Additional reminders about traveling to campus as well as web resources to support telecommuting are also included. Local departments and units may define more restrictive guidelines.

The authority to grant approval to temporarily remove Stanford-issued resources rests with managers.  Managers should provide their staff members an email granting permission and listing the specific equipment that can be taken before the staff member takes it. The staff member should have that email when they are moving the equipment. Managers are responsible for tracking those items that have been temporarily removed from offices as well as for ensuring the items are returned.

Additional considerations: 

Please be considerate and mindful of our colleagues who are still working in the office.  Common areas are being regularly cleaned and disinfected. When returning to the office it is imperative that social distancing is maintained and common materials and supplies are not removed from kitchens and supply cabinets.  Managers should relay this directive to staff when approving trips to return to the office.

Traveling to Campus During the Shelter-in-Place Timeframe

There are limited conditions when staff should be traveling to campus during this time. Guidelines were provided by Stanford’s Office of General Counsel and can be found on the HealthAlerts website.  

Please keep this advice in mind:  

  • Make sure you have your Stanford ID when you are on campus.  This verifies you are a member of the Stanford community. In many cases, it will be the only way you can gain access to buildings during scheduled work hours.    
  • Stanford can provide a letter, if needed, to support your travel to campus. If you are required to return to work and do not have a letter, please reach out to your manager for approval and for coordination with local HR teams.

Temporary Movement of Stanford-issued Equipment and Furnishings

Manager approval is required prior to removal of Stanford-issued equipment and furnishings by the employee. These guidelines identify which materials can and cannot be removed from offices.


Only free-standing (i.e., unmounted) monitors can be brought home.  

Other monitor types must not be moved or transported, including:

  • Wall-mounted monitors/screens.
  • Monitors attached via monitor arms.

Workspace Accessories

Items designated for your personal use at work can be temporarily brought home. These include: 

  • Headphones
  • External web cameras to support online conferencing
  • Mats (sometimes referred to as fatigue mats)
  • External keyboards, mice, adapters, and dongles

Office Equipment and Furnishings

Office chairs should be left in the office. Managers may individually approve office chairs that have been ergonomically fitted to the individual requestor to be temporarily taken home.

Other office equipment and furnishings cannot be moved or transported, including (but not limited to):

  • File cabinets
  • Small meeting tables
  • Sit/stand desks
  • Portable/rolling whiteboards

Additional Assistance and Resources

Experiencing Problems with Stanford Issued Equipment

Please submit a Help request for assistance.