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Connection Statistics

To increase security and reduce risk, Stanford is sunsetting its WebAFS service that is used to upload and download files to AFS.

To optimize AFS and make sure it is serving its intended functions, UIT has also taken these actions:

  • UIT no longer automatically provisions new faculty and staff members with AFS user volumes. New faculty or staff who need a personal user volume must submit a Help request.
    • This change does not impact existing AFS directories or the process for adding permissions for new individuals to those existing directories. Your existing space and everything in it remains intact.
    • This change does not impact the auto-provisioning of new AFS user volumes for students and postdocs.

​Class volumes do not expire and are kept indefinitely. This is an official academic policy, and any change to this policy must be considered by the Faculty Senate.

This report lists the number of connections on each of our AFS servers. Blocked connections are clients who are stalled waiting for an AFS server thread. Active connections are connections that were actively serving data or reading from an AFS client at the time of the report. The total connection number (not all that meaningful) is the count of clients that the AFS server is aware of (generally a count of clients that have connected to the server since its last reboot).

There should be no blocked connections. If the blocked connection number ever rises above one, the server is busier than it should be, and this may explain slow performance. (AFS administrators will be automatically paged if the blocked connection count rises too high.)

The active connection count is the best indicator of server busyness relative to other servers if there are no actual problems. We use this metric occasionally to see if the usage of servers is out of balance. Some servers will just always be busier due to the nature of the clients they server.

These statistics are updated once an hour.

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