Make sure your idea or initiative fits the definition of a project, as follows:
- A temporary endeavor with a beginning and an end.
- Creates or enhances a unique campus IT product or service or prepares members of the campus community for the shutdown of an existing IT service.
- Is progressively elaborated, i.e., the project requirements, plans, and schedule become increasingly detailed over time as the project is better understood.
- Requires the participation of two or more IT team members for a duration of one month or greater.
If your idea meets the above criteria, make a formal request to start a project via one of the two options below. NOTE: It is common to perform a "Discovery Project" to figure out what your real project needs to look like. A typical discovery project usually includes defining high-level (though not necessarily formal) business requirements and may also include business process analysis (as-is, to-be), exploration of vendor options, and a small prototype or pilot. Generally speaking, a well-planned discovery project results in the team uncovering enough about the scope and solution approach to enable them to write a solid Project Charter. Also generally speaking, the larger a project is likely to be, the more valuable a discovery project will be to its eventual success.
Request Enterprise IT Project via the Systems Governance Group (SGG)
Request one-time capital funding for Enterprise Systems, i.e., IT systems that enable us to run the university:
- Student applications, enrollment, course selection, course management, grading
- Faculty and staff hiring, payroll, benefits, performance management
- Financial transactions, purchasing, vendor payments, reimbursement
- Research proposals, awards, sub awards, closeout, certification
- Email and calendar
- Data warehouse, reporting, and analytics
Non-SGG Project Requests
To request a new, non-SGG funded IT project: