What’s New With StanfordWho
New enhancements to the StanfordWho online directory and mobile app make it easier than ever to find your colleagues and connect with them quickly via email, phone, and most recently, Slack.
Slack colleagues from StanfordWho
To make it easier for members of the Stanford community to connect with each other via Slack, the university is integrating Slack into StanfordWho. With that, you’ll be able to direct message colleagues from within StanfordWho.
How will the Slack integration work?
When you log into StanfordWho and look up a colleague, you’ll see a Stanford Slack contact link in the left column of their profile under “Work Email.”
Just click on the Slack link to begin a direct message session. Your conversation will be saved as if you had initiated the chat directly from the Slack app. As long as you have the Slack app installed on your device, you can use this new feature whether you log into StanfordWho from your laptop or mobile device,
What Slack contact information appears in StanfordWho?
StanfordWho will show the “Display name” that you have listed in your Stanford Slack profile. If you don’t have a display name or want to change your display name, you can do that in the Stanford Slack app. You cannot Slack yourself from StanfordWho. Therefore, you’ll see your Slack display name in your own StanfordWho profile but the link will not be active.
Can I change the privacy setting for my Slack contact information in StanfordYou?
The visible Slack contact link is a default setting for all members of the Stanford community who have a Slack account. You can change your display name in the Slack app, but you won't be able to modify the privacy setting for this field in StanfordYou.
What if I don’t have a Slack account?
Slack contact information won’t display in StanfordWho for those who don’t have an account. All Stanford faculty, staff, and students are eligible to sign up for a Stanford Slack account, and we encourage you to join the 20,000 members of the Stanford community who are actively Slacking.
Information in StanfordWho is updated regularly. Should you join Stanford Slack in the future, your Slack contact information will appear in StanfordWho.
Get help
Your experience using the new feature may vary depending upon the type of device you’re using and how the device is configured. For assistance, please contact your local IT support or the UIT Service Desk.
Get the new StanfordWho mobile app
Quickly search and find Stanford colleagues on your mobile device through the new StanfordWho app. With the tap of a finger, you can access an enhanced mobile directory experience that is consistent with stanfordwho.stanford.edu, and only presents information that individuals choose to share.
The familiar StanfordWho view displays a person’s name, photo (if made available), role, contact information, organizational information, and more. You can also search the directory by keyword.
The StanfordWho mobile app is available now for iOS users to download through the App Store, and Android users to download on Google Play.
DISCLAIMER: UIT News is accurate on the publication date. We do not update information in past news items. We do make every effort to keep our service information pages up-to-date. Please search our service pages at uit.stanford.edu/search.