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A New and Improved Sponsorship Manager

The Sponsorship Manager application just got easier to use, with upgraded search features, an improved user interface, and a whole lot more. University IT (UIT) launched an updated version of the application on April 14.

Screen capture of new Sponsorship Manager application

Sponsorship Manager is an online application that allows faculty, managers, and authorized individuals to sponsor someone for computing services, as long as the person to be sponsored meets eligibility requirements.

”We made these changes to comply with updated policies in the Stanford Administrative Guide and to help manage the university’s risks in a changing digital environment,” said Sameer Marella, senior director of UIT’s Middleware Application and Integration Services.

Upgraded features and notable changes

New features in the Sponsorship Manager application include:

  • Revised look and feel of the dashboard
  • Enhanced identity resolution:
    • Upgraded search features help you find existing records of people in the sponsorship database more accurately
    • Improved user experience for matching results and decision criteria to identify existing records
  • Ability to easily invite a sponsee to provide identifying information which enhances data security
  • Sponsorship access granted by role:
    • People with sponsorship authority are able to do so
    • People without sponsorship authority have view-only access

Additional application changes to be noted:

  • Sponsorship duration: Sponsorship duration is limited to one year, which is a change from the previous three-year time span. This change impacts new sponsorships and changes you make to existing SUNet IDs that you have sponsored.
  • Required training: Authorized sponsors are now required to complete an online training course offered through STARS. The course is designed to help sponsors understand the policies and responsibilities related to sponsorship.
  • If you are a current sponsor of SUNet IDs but are NOT a manager/supervisor as defined by HR, you will not initially have access to sponsor in the enhanced Sponsorship Manager application. Please work with your immediate supervisor to have sponsorship authority granted to you via Authority Manager.

Moving forward, there will be other incremental usability enhancements as we continue to improve Sponsorship Manager.

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