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AV-Equipped Executive Offices in Stanford Redwood City Expand Conference Room Options

Did you know that you can reserve meeting time in any of the AV-equipped executive offices across the Stanford Redwood City (SRWC) campus?

About half of the roughly 120 executive offices in Cardinal, University, and Academy halls are part of the SRWC Conference Room Support pilot that expands conference room options for all SRWC staff. These offices include a display and a touch panel used to collaborate through Zoom or WebEx. Conference room support for these AV-equipped rooms includes:

Unlike the AV-equipped conference rooms, however, the executive offices do not receive weekly room sweeps to check equipment and prevent issues.

How to reserve a room

When the executive assigned to an AV-equipped room is not using the room, you can reserve it for a meeting. There are two ways to reserve an executive office: from the touch panel outside the office, or online through Outlook.

If you are near the office, check the touch panel outside the room to see when it is available. Select Reserve on the touch panel to reserve time in the room.

To reserve a room online, either open the room’s calendar in Outlook, find the room in Outlook, or find the room through the Teem Enhanced Room Scheduling Webmail add-in or Teem mobile app. Check when the room is available, then add it to your event or meeting invitation.

As with any conference room, be mindful of when your time in the executive office expires. When you leave the room, check to make sure you did not leave anything behind, such as charger cords, mobile phones, or papers.

To learn more about the Conference Support pilot program in SRWC, see the UIT News article about the program or visit the Conference Room Support webpage.

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