University IT Technology Training
Setting up a Stanford Service Provider using Stanford's Federated IdP (SAML2) (Lecture)
Tuesday, January 24, 1:30-4:30 PM — $150
So you need to authenticate users for your application/service on the network and you don't want to have to handle password changes and everything else that comes with managing users locally? The campus single-signon (SSO) infrastructure, recommended by the Information Security Office, simplifies management tasks.
The campus SSO is moving from Webauth to Shibboleth, and this class will help you understand what this means for you as an application/service provider.
This lecture will cover the terminology of Shibboleth and the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML), and how it is made available to campus from University IT's central infrastructure. It will provide an overview of the various Shibboleth components and will demonstrate configuring a couple of commonly-used campus applications for use with Shibboleth. The objective is for students to gain the knowledge necessary to build and configure applications that leverage Stanford's single-sign on infrastructure, and to be able to troubleshoot basic issues with SSO configuration.
Free Tech Briefing: MaIS Integration - Where do you get that Registry data?
Thursday, January 19, 3-4:30 PM
Ever wonder how someone else got the person’s affiliation data you’ve been looking for? How about SUNet ID accounts information?
This session gives an overview of what “Registry” data is and explains how you can use the Registry data to better integrate with UIT services on Accounts, Person, Authority, Course, Workgroup, etc. The focus of this session is to introduce the web-services MaIS provides to help you manage Registry data in an automated way.
Join us for an overview of the following web services, plus a demo and Q&A:
- AccountWS
- Course XML
- Person XML
- StudentWS
- Privilege XML
- WorkgroupAPI
Presenter: Grace Hung is a senior developer from MaIS (Middleware and Integration Services) team. She is entering her 5th year at Stanford, and specializes in developing solutions for Registry services and client integration.
Free Tech Briefing: Windows Presents
Tuesday, January 31, 3-4:30 PM
More details coming soon.
Free Tech Briefing: Understanding Blockchain: Beyond Bitcoin's improbable rise to fame
Wednesday, February 15, 3-4:30 PM
More details coming soon.