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Technology Training Course Drop Policy

You can drop a Technology Training class up to 11:59 p.m. (PST) of the day prior to the start of the class. We will charge you a $40 drop fee, without exception, but refund you the remaining fee for the class. To avoid the $40 drop fee, you should only register for Technology Training classes you are confident you can attend.

We will deduct the $40 drop fee from the account(s) you used to enroll in the class, including Stanford Training Assistance Program (STAP) or a department account (PTA). If you use STAP and a department account to pay for the class, we will first deduct from STAP. We will deduct from a PTA if you have insufficient funds in STAP or you only used the department PTA to cover the class fee. We will refund the remaining balance of the course fee to the accounts billed.  

If you do not drop the class and do not attend, we will charge you the entire course fee.

To drop a class using the online registration program (STARS), log into Axess, click the "Training (STARS)" tab, go to the “My Learning” link, and find the class you wish to drop.

Classes with insufficient enrollment may be cancelled by the training provider. Should this occur, you will be notified and the fee will be refunded.

Have questions? Submit a help ticket.

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