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Overcoming the E-Mail Overload: A Design Thinking Approach

Tuesday, June 2, 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Wednesday, June 17, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Monday, June 29, 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Fee: $585 (STAP / Educational Assistance apply!)

Click here to enroll

Overcoming the E-mail Overload: A Design Thinking Approach -- Free Introductory Webinar Recording
(Available until June 3, 2015)

We want to solve the e-mail problem now, with a cutting-edge concept called "design thinking." Applying design thinking to e-mail means working collaboratively with our stakeholders to co-create innovative solutions that are human centric.

This workshop gives you the opportunity to be part of the effort. You will learn about design thinking and will apply it to solving this challenge, one of paramount importance. This is a hands-on workshop that will leave you transformed in your ability to think creatively and work collaboratively to solve significant problems and leverage unique opportunities.

This revolutionary approach to e-mail is a three-day workshop conducted over the course of a month. It is intended for those who are ready to leap into learning design thinking and are motivated to solve the challenges of e-mail overload!

Key takeaways:

  • Participants having learned about the many facets of the e-mail overload and formulated a variety of ways to address the related challenges.
  • Participants transformed into design thinkers able to bring back to their teams creative and innovative ways to solve everyday's business challenges.
  • Participants having experienced collaborative problem solving and how to optimize individual and team work to produce compelling results.

Pierre Khawand, People | OnTheGoInstructor Pierre Khawand has more than fifteen years of experience in the software industry.
He founded People-OnTheGo in 2001 to enable business professionals to communicate and collaborate more effectively using leading edge technologies.

He leads many of the Webinars provided by Tech Training, along with the Accomplishing More With Less in the Technology World workshop.

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