Learn the robust features of SQL that allows you to create more efficient / advanced queries. Whether pulling specific data from multiple tables or generating new data using calculations or creating reusable queries, SQL scripting has the tools you need.
This hands-on course is designed for students who need to understand how to create and manipulate the structure and data of a database. Students will complete instructor led activities to gain an understanding of the following:
- Overview of relational database design.
- Use sub-queries to optimize queries and generate output.
- Including functions to convert data types, split dates, and work with NULLs. - Use logical statements like If or Case to create data.
- Create views, query data through views, modify the view structure, and drop views.
- Create temporary tables to hold query results, clear data from temporary tables, drop temporary tables.
- Manipulate table data by inserting and updating records in a table and deleting records from a table.
- Manipulate the table structure.