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Local Network Administrator Guide

This is the LNA Guide, a set of web pages developed by Network Engineering to support the activities of Local Network Administrators (LNAs). It is intended to define policies and procedures for LNAs as well as to provide a set of technical documents that LNAs may find useful for supporting their networks. This guide is intended to be a dynamic document that will grow and change in response to the needs of the LNA community.

Network services are provided following a “centralized services with local controls” model.  This allows the University to leverage economies of scale to provide cost effective, high quality services while still enabling local units to have some amount of control.  Local control allows for quick responses by embedded support staff.

For networking services, this local support is provided by the designated Local Network Administrator.  Every department or group is required to have an LNA to maintain their local network.  Some departments or school have dedicated LNAs while other include LNA responsibilities as part of the desktop support function. Departments or schools may also choose to hire contract support from CRC to act as their LNA.

LNAs have access to various reporting and change tools (as detailed below) to enable them to support their users quickly and efficiently.  Additionally, they can contact Network Engineering for additional help by opening a help ticket.

This section of the LNA guide summarizes the Policies and Proceedures that NS expects LNAs to follow.

How to become an LNA

Local Network Administrators (LNAs) are designated by their departments to support the local networks in their academic or administrative area.

LNA duties

This is what Network Engineering expects LNAs to be able to do.

Departmental Network Engineering (DNE) responsibilities

Formerly known as "Networking Consultants", DNE's charter is to advise and support LNAs.

In this section of the LNA guide you'll find a collection of documents that will show you:


Find and use software that will allow you to diagnose, locate, and correct network problems.

Network Technology

Links to various Stanford network technologies, such as VPN, NAT, Network Self Registration (SNSR), Wireless and more.


Networking Systems monitors the network on a 24/7 basis. We maintain some monitoring tools for LNA access.

Stanford University's overall computing infrastructure is very diverse. For the most part, clients should use Stanford Services Portal to request assistance, as it is may not be obvious which group should handle the problem.


Network Engineering periodically offers training classes to the LNA community.

Desktop Support

Stanford's IT Help Desk is best accessed through Stanford Services Portal.

The Computer Resource Consulting (CRC) provides fee-based desktop support for the University.

Other IT Groups

Stanford Information Security Office

The best place to locate other services at Stanford is the IT Services directory.