suNamesAffiliations Attribute Bundle
The suNameAffiliation bundle includes all of the attributes in the suNames bundle and adds affiliations attributes. Basically, this gives access to a person's name in a variety of formats and their various affiliation. The attributes are described in detail below. Access to suNamesAffiliations attributes requires explicit approval from the appropriate data owners (see the Directory Usage Policy) This bundle can be combined with other bundles.
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- cn, description, displayName, generationQualifier, givenName, mail, o, objectclass, ou, sn, suAffiliation, suDisplayAffiliation, suDisplayNameFirst, suDisplayNameLast, suDisplayNameMiddle, suDisplayNameLF, suDisplayNamePrefix, suDisplayNameSuffix, suName, suOtherName, suOU, suPrimaryOrganizationID, suPrimaryOrganizationName, suRegisteredName, suRegisteredNameLF, suSunetID, suUnivID, title, uid