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How to Send a Fax with Cardinal Fax

  1. If you are using an individual email account, go to Step 2. If you are using a department fax line, set up a shared email. For additional information on how to set up a shared email account in Webmail or Outlook, please visit the how to set up shared email page.

  2. Enter “fax=(The 10 digit outbound fax number)” in the "To" field, e.g.,

    Note: To fax to an international number, add 011(plus international number).

  3. If you are faxing high risk data, enter "SECURE:" in the subject line.

    Ensure that you type “SECURE:” in the email topic if high risk data is being faxed, which is in compliance with university information security standards.

  4. Put your fax content in the body of the email or attach the content to your email.

    File types accepted: PDF, Text, MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

  5. Ensure you are not attaching a personal signature if you are using a department fax line.

  6. Select "Send" to send the fax.

  7. If the fax was not delivered, you will receive this message:

    Text saying emaile fax was not delivered

  8. If the fax was delivered, you will receive this  message:

    Text saying emailed fax was delivered

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