Departments and facilities on campus use card reading systems on doors, turnstiles, and elevators to control access to buildings and rooms. Campus Card systems are centrally-maintained by University IT. University IT also coordinates installation and maintenance of new systems and card readers.
Card readers include contactless seos readers. Access can be restricted by day of the week and time of day, and can be set up to provide access on an individual basis, or by department or class list. Scheduling can be centrally programmed by University IT (for a fee), or through subscriber workstations (no charge).
Designed for
Administrative and academic departments
Service subscription
Data security
The Campus Card System is a closed, proprietary system that runs on its own hardware and software. To learn more, see Maintenance and protection of Campus Card electronic records on the Security and Confidentiality web page.
Get started
University IT provides customized 1-on-1 training sessions on the access control system. If you don't need training immediately, contact Jay Kohn and ask to join the next new activation session with another group. New activation sessions are scheduled as needed.
To learn more about building access services or to order access readers, submit a Help ticket.
To request a Lenel account, submit a Help ticket.
For IT Professionals
Get help
- To report malfunctioning card readers or cash-to-card machines, submit a Help ticket or call (650) 725-HELP (5-4357).
- After hours and holidays, trouble calls are answered around the clock by university operators who refer system-wide problems to on-call repair technicians immediately. Individual user problems are processed at the start of the next business day.